“Through the right people focusing on the right things, we can, in time, get on top of a lot if not most of the problems of this world.” Richard Branson

Therapist/Coach Client Assessment:

A general Human Design assessment of your client to help you understand how to approach them and support them in being the best expression of themselves. $64 per half hour

Business Team Assessment:

With 27 years of experience in business and management, Aimee Westcott is uniquely qualified to provide insight through the lens of Human Design to identify the individual strengths of your staff and how to best utilize your team for maximum well being and efficiency. Contact Aimee at awestcotthumandesign@gmail.com for a quote.

Workplace Human Design Seminar:

An introduction to Human Design for your staff so they and their managers can self assess how they best fit in your business and culture. Contact Aimee at awestcotthumandesign@gmail.com for a quote.

Candidate/Employee Assessment:

With their approval and cooperation, Aimee can provide a general assessment of an individual based on their Human Design and the role in which they are tasked. $64 per half hour