Transiting - October 3 through October 7, 2017

Transiting - October 2, through October 7, 2017, in beautiful Los Angeles.

The Sun now moves into the Gate of DEPTH and the Earth is in the gate of THE TREASURER. The Gate of DEPTH can be tricky energy. Those of us who have it defined every day know full well. We feel compelled to go deep because we never truly have the sense that we know enough. This right here is the fear of inadequacy. As with all Splenic energies, it truly is a short lived fear in the moment and if we just push through that feeling of inadequacy, the fear will dissipate. That's easier said than done of course. If we don't push through, it may hold us back. This week we may initially feel like we we need to do more research, study more, know more before we are willing to take action.

What's grounding us is the Gate of the TREASURER. This is the energy for controlling resources. So yes, this is a good time to focus on your budget and planning your finances (especially with this extra impulse to research in depth). But in the context of the Sun in the Gate of Depth, it may also manifest as the compulsion to control things or situations to alleviate that fear of inadequacy. But the Earth has a grounding effect, so maybe that's not so bad. If being a little controlling about circumstances can make you feel more confident and less fearful, why not? 

As always, these energies are affecting all of us. So be patient when you find the people around you hesitating more than you'd like or being somewhat controlling. You know exactly where they are coming from so have compassion.

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