
Transiting - October 8 through October 13, 2017

The Sun is in GATE 57, INTUITION and the Earth is in GATE 51, SHOCK from Sunday, October 8, through Friday, October 13.

We are highly intuitive this week. There is true clarity to be had. It's really important during this time to trust your intuition. It defies logic. Plus, your BS meter is especially on point due to this intuitive understanding. Listen to what people have to say with your right ear and you will instinctively know the truth of the matter.

I have this gate defined in my chart and I actually find it difficult to understand what people are saying to me at all with my left ear. I have to position myself so that people are on my right side or I spend the entire time asking them to repeat themselves. It's like my body is forcing me to use my right ear and tune into my intuition. And it's true, I simply know when someone is not in alignment with their integrity and I must not have a poker face, because often they know I know. Awkward.

The other side of this coin is the fear of the future. Because intuition works in the now and our powers of perception do not extend to the future. The future can feel scary. Just keep in mind, if we can just trust what our intuition is telling us now and follow our authority, there's no reason to fear the future. The future will work itself out. 

What is grounding us during these six days is the GATE of SHOCK. This is a competitive energy that thrives on shocking events and behavior. It is also an energy that draws shocking experiences to us to trigger personal growth. This is the Gate of the Shaman who must be tested to find enlightenment. Maybe we need a little shock treatment this week to bring us back down to earth from all that intuitive knowing. 

So during these six days we have the opportunity to use our very powerful, penetrating intuition to react with precision to potentially shocking behavior or events. We have unusually good clarity right now as well, IF we can trust ourselves and each other. Because we are ALL experiencing these gifts together.

If the people around you have intuitive insights, trust them. And if we have to shock someone into understanding our insights or be shocked into understanding someone else's insights, so be it.

This should be fun. Enjoy the ride.    

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