The Sun has now moved into Gate 7, SELF-IN INTERACTION or LEADERSHIP SUPPORT. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE ARMY. 

The energy of Gate 7 is all about supporting democratic LEADERSHIP. It can get itself into trouble if this energy attempts to take the LEAD itself. It's understandable really because this energy instinctively knows what it takes to be a LEADER but energetically it is simply a non starter. Put this energy behind a true LEADER however and watch them as a team take over the world!

In a true democracy LEADERSHIP absolutely needs support to be effective. Without that support, without its ARMY, it is utterly powerless. What a wonderful gift to be the fuel for excellent LEADERSHIP. To intuitively know and recognize the soul of a true leader and have the tools in your toolbox to help them succeed.  

I invite you to consider your role in this exchange. Are your democratic LEADERS flourishing or floundering? What if you stepped in to help and SUPPORT them? Do they deserve that SUPPORT? Are you a democratic LEADER in need of SUPPORT? How can you effectively hone yourself and your message so that people recognize your potential and join your ARMY?

This week in particular is a wonderful time to experiment with taking that first step towards actually putting yourself out there to physically SUPPORT a LEADER you believe in.

If it feels right, be the SUPPORT we all need for a better tomorrow.