Gate 11


The Sun has now moved to Gate 11, IDEAS. In I-Ching this hexagram is called PEACE.

So yes, this is the energy for having wonderful, brilliant, and occasionally not so fantastic IDEAS.

What is interesting about this energy however is these IDEAS are most likely not for ourselves. There is no configuration here for making these IDEAS happen. Many people with this energy defined often feel like their IDEAS are stolen by other people. This can cause feelings of betrayal and bitterness but what they are failing to realize is this is exactly how the energy of IDEAS is supposed to work. 

So much of the Human Design chart reveals how we need each other to accomplish things in this world. With this particular energy we are meant to have an IDEA and if someone else with the right configuration responds to that idea, they are meant to act on it.

So if you have this energy defined in your chart, you may have some truly spectacular IDEAS. If you want those IDEAS to go anywhere, tell your IDEAS to anyone who is open to hearing about them. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to pass the IDEA along. Be at PEACE with that.  

Are you someone who is full of scathingly brilliant IDEAS? Do these IDEAS ever pan out? Why? When someone comes to you with their IDEAS are you open to hearing about them? Why not? Do you feel like people steal your IDEAS? Is that truly the reality of the situation? Are all IDEAS created equal?

In a way, sharing your IDEAS with the right people is like casting a spell. What happens next is out of your hands.  



The Sun has now moved to Gate 11, IDEAS. In I-Ching this hexagram is called PEACE.

So yes, this is the energy for having wonderful, brilliant, and occasionally not so fantastic IDEAS.

What is interesting about this energy however is these IDEAS are most likely not for ourselves. There is no configuration here for making these IDEAS happen. Many people with this energy defined often feel like their IDEAS are stolen by other people. This can cause feelings of betrayal and bitterness but what they are failing to realize is this is exactly how the energy of IDEAS is supposed to work. 

So much of the Human Design chart reveals how we need each other to accomplish things in this world. With this particular energy we are meant to have an IDEA and if someone else with the right configuration responds to that idea, they are meant to act on it.

So if you have this energy defined in your chart, you may have some truly spectacular IDEAS. If you want those IDEAS to go anywhere, tell your IDEAS to anyone who is open to hearing about them. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to pass the IDEA along. Be at PEACE with that.  

Are you someone who is full of scathingly brilliant IDEAS? Do these IDEAS ever pan out? Why? When someone comes to you with their IDEAS are you open to hearing about them? Why not? Do you feel like people steal your IDEAS? Is that truly the reality of the situation? Are all IDEAS created equal?

In a way, sharing your IDEAS with the right people is like casting a spell. What happens next is out of your hands.  



Spring has sprung! I will take this change of season as an opportunity to discuss the other transits happening from March 1 through May 31, 2019.

Saturn is in gate 54, DRIVE or AMBITION until August. So the questions we must ask ourselves are as follows. Am I too AMBITIOUS or am I not AMBITIOUS enough? How is the theme of DRIVE and AMBITION getting in your way? There is an opportunity for a lesson to be learned here if we are open to it. What does DRIVE and AMBITION mean to you? Are they bad words or good words? Is it possible to find balance with how these concepts relate to our lives? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to work on your relationship with DRIVE and AMBITION.

Jupiter enters Gate 11, IDEAS on March 8 and will remain there until May 15 when it returns to Gate 26, THE TRICKSTER. That hard work of coming to terms with your DRIVE or lack thereof could come to fruition here. If you work towards a healthy balanced DRIVE during this time you will be rewarded with a font of IDEAS. Isn’t that marvelous? Otherwise what else are you going to do with that energy for AMBITION? Gate 26, THE TRICKSTER will also provide the gift of selling those IDEAS along with a strong sense of what is true, again if you put in the work.

Finally, and I really do mean finally, Neptune will move into Gate 22, OPENNESS, on March 30th. I will personally find this to be a relief because for a very long time now Neptune has been in Gate 63, DOUBT. Which means all things spiritual and esoteric have been cast with the shadow of DOUBT. But with OPENNESS on the horizon what has contracted can now expand. This is an opportunity for us to get out of our heads and when we are in the mood, feel more OPEN to the GRACE of our spirituality. Spring will hopefully spring us back into the mood for expanding our spiritual horizons until of course September 22, 2019, when Neptune will fall back into Gate 63, DOUBT for a time. Don’t let this opportunity for expansive spiritual growth pass you by.

So get to work figuring out how DRIVE and AMBITION are getting in your way and then sell your wonderful IDEAS. In the meantime, don’t be afraid to OPEN yourself up to that deep well of spirituality. If you pay attention, it will guide you on the right path towards AMBITIOUS IDEAS that benefit us all. The truth will be revealed.

All my best wishes for a HAPPY SPRING!



From Saturday December 15 though Wednesday December 19 the Sun is in Gate 11, IDEAS. In I-Ching this hexagram is called PEACE.

So yes, this is the energy for having wonderful, brilliant, and OK fine maybe not so brilliant IDEAS.

What is interesting about this energy however is these IDEAS are most likely not for ourselves. There is no configuration here for making these IDEAS happen. Many people with this energy defined often feel like their IDEAS are stolen by other people. This can cause feelings of betrayal and bitterness but what they are failing to realize is this is exactly how the energy of IDEAS is supposed to work. 

So much of the Human Design chart reveals how we need each other to accomplish things in this world. With this particular energy we are meant to have an IDEA and if someone else with the right configuration responds to that idea, they are meant to act on it.

So if you have this energy defined in your chart, you may have some truly spectacular IDEAS. If you want those IDEAS to go anywhere, tell your IDEAS to anyone who is open to hearing them. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to pass the IDEA along. There is a timing piece to this as well. Maybe the the world isn’t quite ready for your brilliant IDEA. Or in order for someone to be open to hearing about your IDEA they need to invite you to share it. 

Are you someone who is full of scathingly brilliant IDEAS (100 points to the person who can name that movie)? Do these IDEAS ever pan out? Why? When someone comes to you with their IDEAS are you open to hearing about them? Why not? Do you feel like people steal your IDEAS? Is that truly the reality of the situation? Are all IDEAS created equal?

In a way, sharing your IDEAS with the right people is like casting a spell. What happens next is out of your control.  

Transiting December 14 through December 19th, 2017

Gate 11 Ideas.jpg

The Sun has now moved into Gate 11, IDEAS. In I-Ching this hexagram is called PEACE. So yes, this is the energy for having wonderful, brilliant, and sometimes not so brilliant IDEAS.

What is interesting about this energy however is these IDEAS are most likely not for ourselves. There is no configuration here for making these IDEAS happen. Many people with this energy defined often feel like their IDEAS are stolen by other people. This can cause feelings of betrayal and bitterness but what they are failing to realize is this is exactly how the IDEA is supposed to work. 

So much of the Human Design chart reveals how we need each other to accomplish things in this world. With this particular energy we are meant to have an IDEA and if someone else with the right configuration responds to that idea, they are meant to act on it.

So with this energy transiting right now, you very well might have some truly spectacular IDEAS. If you want those IDEAS to go anywhere, tell your IDEAS to anyone who is open to hearing them. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to pass the IDEA along. 

There is a timing piece to this of course. In order for someone to be open to hearing about your IDEA, tell them you have an IDEA and wait for them to invite you to share it. This is human nature is it not? None of us wants to be told something about something without our permission. Do what it takes to get the message across effectively.

Then this is where the magic lies. In a way, you are casting a spell. Just understand, what happens next is out of your control. 

Isn't that divine?

If you're interested in knowing whether you have Gate 11 defined, click here for your free chart.